Parents Tips

Encourage your child to take up a hobby or sport that they will enjoy them to let loose and have fun not something too competitive.
Art projects are particularly good for giving young children a chance to create and be independent at the same time.
Children are not born knowing what is acceptable and unacceptable. They watch how you behave and how you treat them and others.
Parents fears for their children safety, if extreme, can have an adverse effect on their children confidence and self-esteem.
As a parent, you are responsible for correcting and guiding your child. But how you express your corrective guidance makes all the difference in how your child receives it.
Motivate your children with positive reinforcement, help them set realistic goals and have attainable expectations for your child.
Never tell a child that he is bad. That tears at his self-esteem. Help your child recognize that it isn't that you do not like him, but it is his behavior that you are unwilling to tolerate.
Make simple rules for your child. Start with a few "things we do and don't do." Discuss them with your child.
If you feel that your child's behavior is beginning to get out of control, "nip it in the bud" by distracting your child's attention onto a positive activity or game.
Words hurt, too. Try to avoid yelling at your children in anger. Do not put down your children. If they break a rule, tell them what they did wrong and why that makes you angry. Be angry at what they did, NOT at who they are.
Establish a reliable routine. A clear and consistent routine helps a child feel safe and secure. Clear-cut rules help a child learn what is right and wrong. Be consistent!
If you say "no" to your child, make sure you both understand what that means and keep to the rule. Then act quickly (seconds), firmly and safely when it is challenged. Carry out any threatened punishment. Do not yell. Your child wants to know that your "no" means no.
Wear sunscreen, hats and sun protection clothing
Keep children well hydrated
Cover and fence pools/keep a phone and emergency numbers close
Always supervise children around any water, from oceans and pools to bathtubs and buckets.
Check your child’s records to ensure that immunizations are up-to-date and keep a copy of those records.
Never leave a child unattended in a car.
Always check behind your car before leaving
Do not wear headphones. It’s important to be able to hear horns and other traffic noise.
Use corner guards on furniture edges and blind cord shorteners to prevent strangulation hazards. Tack down loose carpet to avoid unnecessary falls.
Porches, balconies and stairs should have guardrails; install safety gates at the top and bottom of stairways.
Check for food and drink “hot spots” before giving them to children. Food can heat unevenly.
Keep electrical appliances away from water and out of reach of children.
When cooking, keep handles on cookware turned inward.
Create barriers. Lock doors to dangerous areas, open windows from the top or use window guards; screens will not prevent a fall.
Watch furniture placement. Keep furniture away from windows. Secure big pieces of furniture – especially bookcases and entertainment centres – to the wall.
Be careful with baby walkers. If you choose to use one, be sure it has a wide base, and never leave the child unattended in the walker.
Store dangerous household products out of reach of children.
Store all products in their original containers with the labels intact.
Check your detectors and change the batteries twice a year.
Create a fire evacuation plan for your family.
Keep at least one fire extinguisher in your home.
Do not smoke in your home.
Dress for playground safety. Avoid clothing with drawstrings at the head or neck area or loose clothing. Tie up long hair. Always wear shoes.
Check for playground safeness: a soft, deep surface of sand, pea gravel or wood chips and hot metal surface, jagged edges or broken pieces.
Keep emergency phone numbers by EVERY phone, as well as having a copy in your car and office.
Know the location of the hospital and/or urgent care centre closest to your home.
Schedule physical exams every year.
Check hearing every year age 3-12, then at age 15 and 18.
Checking vision every year age 3-12, then at age 15 and 18.
Set realistic expectations for development. See our child development section and check with your paediatrician.
Don’t put your baby in bed with a bottle.
Start dental visits at age three; then twice a year for a check-up and cleaning.
Using a soft toothbrush, help your child brush for two minutes twice a day, including right before bed.
Make activity part of your lifestyle. Have your child learn a new sport or take the dog for a daily 30-minute walk.
Limit or change snacks. Make sure you have only healthy choices in the house.
Warm up and suit up! Make sure children warm up before playing sports and that they wear the correct protective gear for sports.

Have a plan for when injuries occur.